Note: This is an example site. All links point to the same route.
Front of the Angular heal
Thumbnail of the front of the Angular heal
Thumbnail of the back of the Angular heal
Thumbnail of the side of the Angular heal


$199 $99
Products are added to the inventory from the admin panel. You can access this from the page. Check it out to learn more. 
  • 100% pre-built
  • Easily integrate a static content-management system such as Netlify-CMS
  • Track Inventory with a git-centric static database (under development)


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Developer FAQ

How is inventory added/removed?
Inventory is managed through the Netlify CMS on <site>/admin/ . You can use this interface to manage the set of markdown files in content/*, which the jamcommerce site then uses to generate pages for each product using Gatsby's markdown-as-web-page infrastructure.
How is inventory tracked?
We use Gocommerce to handle inventory and sales. It runs on a server, stores things in a database (sqlite, postgres, etc), and the frontend talks to it via an API. We just need to call apropriate functions in the provided javascript library. Each product has a small <script> tag that Gocommerce can read to understand which product is being sold.
How do I add or subtract products?
You can use the Netlify CMS to create and remove products. The jamcommerce webapp lets users add and subtract products in their cart via a dropdown menu. This info is stored in javascript memory and once added to the cart, backed up in local storage so users can reload the page and maintain their cart.